Monday, August 1, 2011

Strategic Republican Victory…NOT!

“The sky is falling, the sky is falling!”  That is all we have heard for the last several weeks from the parties that be.

“Oh whoa is me!”  If the Congress does not act, what horrors would befall us?  The President spoke on several occasions to remind us that without action there would be serious ramifications, i.e. no social security checks, no VA benefits, no free school meals.  And with all of this, the Democrats would not put a plan to paper.

 So a group of Republicans, the new bloods, presented a solution…”Cut, Cap, and Balance.”  A bill that would address the issues head on.  Real cuts on every program, entitlement, and subsidy.  Limits on actual federal government spending.  No increase of the debt ceiling.  And the best news of all, a balanced budget.  Finally!

What!?  How dare they!  These “Tea Party People” were so wrong according to Madame Pelosi and Sir Reid.  The President is upset and storms out of a meeting.  We can do better, so say the media lapdogs.

So another group of “old line” Republicans presents a plan.  Increase the debt ceiling but include some spending cuts, at the discretion of the President – no matter that this action is unconstitutional.

What!?  You Republicans still don’t get it.  We must have an increase in both the debt ceiling and revenues, i.e. taxes.  We must continue to push through “social” programs.  You people just don’t understand basic economics.  The way to solve the problem is through more stimulus packages and greater spending.

So now it is time for consensus building; a time for compromise.  Why even the President tells the people that, through a prime time message.  The President quotes Thomas Jefferson to reinforce the idea of working together towards a solution.  But wait…exactly what is consensus.  Oh, that’s right.  Consensus is achieved when you lack the conviction of your beliefs.  We all win if we all lose.

Except, there are losers and winners.  The citizens of our great country lose.  Indeed Madame Pelosi, Sir Reid, and all you “Democans and Republicrats”, it is fundamental economics:  you can not spend more than you earn, or in the government’s case, take in.

 Devaluation of the dollar means WE lose.  Inflation means WE lose.  Weakening of our military means WE lose.  Over taxing working men and women means WE lose.  Restricting and over regulating businesses causing greater unemployment means WE lose.  Continuing to expand the dependency of the “entitlement class” means WE lose.

Do you get it?!  Increasing the debt ceiling, increasing taxes, increasing spending, expanding “entitlement” programs IS a plan.  It is the plan which will destroy the Republic and its great people.

Here is my thought on addressing the issue:
1.     Ratify the “Cut, Cap, and Balance” bill
2.     Reform EVERY entitlement program
3.     Reform “Taxes” and create REAL stimulus
4.     Let the people vote for a Federal Balanced Budget Amendment
5.     Let the people vote for a Term Limit Amendment

Now that would be a REAL victory for ALL of America!

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