Sunday, September 11, 2011

Let Us Never Forget

September 11th, 2001 – a day that should be engraved in the minds of every red blooded American.  It has been 10 years since our country was attacked by terrorists.  Nineteen fanatical Muslims, under the vision and direction of the leader of Al Qaeda – Osama Bin Laden – brazenly attacked the people who represent freedom and justice in the world.

Their plan was to hijack 4 jets and fly them into what they believed to be symbols of our nation.  Three of the four hit their targets:  American Airlines 11 and United Airlines 175 smash into the Twin Towers in NYC and American Airlines 77 crashes into the Pentagon in Washington D.C.  The fourth, United Airlines 93 never made its target due to the bravery and sacrifice of the men and women onboard.

President Bush demonstrates true leadership by addressing the American people.

“These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat, but they have failed.  Our country is strong.  A great people have been moved to defend a great nation.  Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings.  But they can not touch the foundation of America.  These acts shattered steel but they can not dent the steel of American resolve.”

The heinous actions of these evil men and our President’s resolute words unified all Americans.

Ten years have passed.  Much has happened to remove these threats, and yet they are still present.  We must continue to be ever vigilant!

As is always the case, I believe that the pendulum has swung way too far in the wrong direction.  Let us remember what Thomas Jefferson said, ”A society that will trade a little order for a little freedom will lose both, and deserve neither.”

While many actions were necessary in the short term, it is time to re-evaluate the measures we have in affect.  For example, the TSA should be discontinued.  It has become a bloated, federal government entity.  It should be the responsibility of each airline company and each airport board to establish private security measures.  This would be more efficient and more cost effective.

Another action to be re-evaluated is the deployment of our troops.  War should always be the last resort.  The men and women who proudly serve our country should never be put in harms way unless we are committed to victory.  Victory created by fast, powerful, and overwhelming action.  It should not be expected that we will police the world or maintain the peace. 

Let us honor the lives that were lost on 09/11 and those that have been lost in protecting us since this tragic occurrence.  Let us honor them by not living in fear but rather by holding our heads up and displaying the courage that has made America the greatest nation in the world.  Let us honor them by continuing to demonstrate to the rest of the world that America does represent the greatest ideals of liberty and justice.

To quote the great President Ronald Reagan…”Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.  It is a weapon our adversaries in today’s world do not have.”

Monday, September 5, 2011

Laboring to Understand

Today we are supposed to be celebrating an important national holiday:  Labor Day.  But somehow, it seems more like a day of mourning rather than a day of celebration.

According to the Department of Labor…

"Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers.  It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country."

In other words, it is by our hard work that this wonderful nation is healthy and vital.  However, this requires an economy that inspires businesses to grow, thereby creating great employment opportunities.  It requires an economy where investors are eager to put their assets to work allowing for the expansion of businesses and the creation of new ones with even more opportunities for employment.  But sadly, that is not our current reality.

The latest reported unemployment figures from the federal government indicate that we have a 9.1% unemployment rate.  In reality, it is closer to 21% with no sign of change coming any time soon.  The only expansion that is currently occurring is in the federal government.  In particular, in the enforcement of the ever growing laws which are strangling every business entity in this country.

Apparently, our current administration believes that it is not through the hard working citizens of our country but rather through a behemoth federal government that we will achieve “prosperity and well-being.”  Forget about the tradition built on our Judeo-Christian beliefs of the significance of work:  the idea that hard work brings respect and contributes to the social order and well being of the community. Instead, it would seem that this administration would like to continue to create the largest nanny state in history.

This year there should be no celebration.  Why celebrate unemployment and a lack of leadership from the current administration?  Have we forgotten the sacrifices of our forefathers for us in the 21st century to have a country with the highest standard of living?  Have we also forgotten that it has been through our incredible labor force that our nation has come to realize economic and political freedom?  I know that we the people  have not forgotten!

I say it is time for all of us to join in a new labor movement – the removal of all these entrenched politicians and their lackeys.  It is time for new leadership reflective of the citizens and workers of America.  It is time for a revitalization of our economy.  It is time to put a stop to more regulations.  It is time for an expansion of commerce not a recession.

So let us not celebrate, but rather pay tribute on this Labor Day to those who have shaped our great nation – the American workers.  Let us take on this new job with vigor and enthusiasm.  Let us not forget that the greatness of America lies not in its government but rather in its people.